Saving Your Wallet: The Truth About The Average Cost of 1 Carat Lab Grown Diamond

Carat Lab Grown Diamond
Carat Lab Grown Diamond

Diamonds have been rated for many years and recognized for their glamorous shine. However, the cost of natural stones is relatively high and this aspect may sometimes lead to reducing the spirit of the people regarding their budget limits. Introducing the lab grown diamonds – the ethical, sustainable and equally impressive answer to the dazzling gems. But with great sparkle comes the question: what is the cost of a lab grown diamond for 1 carat?

In this article, we explore the concept of lab grown diamonds and the price that comes with a 1 carat gemstone and its related attributes. It is also important to determine how lab grown diamonds are like mined diamonds and this will provide you with everything that you need to know to make the right choice.

Revealing the Average Price: 

It is operating at a cost range of $1,200 and $4,800 for one carat of lab grown diamond. However, this is just a drop in a bucket. The latter can sometimes significantly deviate from the calculated price depending on several primary parameters, so the appearance of shine is a scale rather than a specific figure.

Price Ranges: Another unique feature of lab-grown diamonds, estimated by buyers and sellers, is their significantly lower price in comparison with mined diamonds. Something that must be discussed is, it is crucial to realize that lab-grown diamonds are expensive but simple to buy starting from 700$ per one carat up to 12000$ depending on the grade of the diamond.

Here are some of the things that determine the cost of a lab created one Carat diamond .

High Color and Clarity:

It could range anywhere between $1,200 to $4,800 to buy a 1 carat lab-grown diamond available in excellent cut and D to F color range along with flaw or internal inclusion. These stones offer incredible sparkle and you will not find a brighter stone if you’re looking for that extra sparkle.

Midrange Color and Clarity:

However, if one desires an excellent compromise, between flawlessness and affordability, it is preferable to go for diamonds with a moderately cut, slightly colored (G-H) and slightly clarified (VS1-VS2). These stones do not provide the same shine, but they do come at a significantly lower price, ranging between $1,100 and $3,200 for one carat weight.

Lower Color and Clarity:

If cost is the most important factor, budget consciousness can be achieved with a less expensive cut, color I-J, and clarity of SI1 or lower for lab grown diamonds. Although they may not be as bright as the higher graded diamonds, they are still attractive and have a value of between $700 and $2500 for a one carat diamond.

Beyond the Carat: 

Other austin’s cost structure influences or factors the price in the following ways:


Interestingly, round brilliant cut shapes are more demanded than other shapes as it is pricier than other forms such as princess, emerald, pear, and the like.


The diamond receives its credibility and worth through the diamond grading report given by any accredited laboratory or any conformant gemological laboratory that obtains its accreditation from world-renowned organizations for gem identification such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).

Lab Grown vs. Mined Diamonds: 

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room (or rather, the diamond in the display case): in relation to the cost aspect, how do lab grown diamonds differ from the mined diamonds?

Price Difference:

Lab created diamonds are for the most part cheaper in comparison to mined ones by carat weight, cut, color, and clarity. Therefore, if you were to purchase a 1 carat diamond, you will need to part with about double the amount for a mined diamond as you would for a lab grown diamond.

Value Retention:

Metallized diamonds have always been recognized as a valuable commodity as they do not lose their worth but rather increase over a period. Nonetheless, for lab grown diamonds they are still relatively immature and the reinvestment value proposition over the long term is not fully determined.

Ethical and Environmental Considerations:

Lab grown diamonds do not come with social issues and unethical mining locations as do those that are naturally mined.

Finally, the decision of which type of diamond to go for, naturally mined diamonds or lab-grown diamonds, finally lies in the buyer. So if you have bigger, shinier pieces in your mind for the budget, then lab grown diamond is good for you. Nevertheless, should you consider the longevity of using the jewelry piece or if you have a preference for mined diamonds, then a non-conflict diamond might be most suitable for your needs.

Finding Your Perfect Spark: Some Useful Advice for Choosing a 1 Carat Lab-Grown Diamond

Now that you’re armed with knowledge about the average cost and influencing factors, here are some tips for finding your perfect 1 carat lab grown diamond:

Set a Budget:

Decide on a budget you are willing to spend for a diamond and identify the four C’s where your preference falls most (cut, color, clarity, and carat).

Do Your Research:

Learn about the 4Cs and to what extent they affect the price and looks of the gemstone.

Shop Around:

Check online shops for prices, as well as local jewelers that have a street presence for their business.

Ask Questions:

It is also advisable to consult jewelers and clear any uncertainty or issues with the diamond grading reports.

Consider Certification:

When shopping for diamonds, ensure to look for the ones which have been graded from a reputable laboratory.

If you follow these tips and employ the information you have gotten with regards to average cost of 1 carat lab grown diamond and factors that may affect the cost, you will be well on your way toward getting the ideal 1 carat lab grown diamond that sparkles within your means, as well as more importantly, in your soul.

More importantly, diamonds represent love, commitment, celebration, and overall happiness. Both lab grown and mined stones are a good choice, provided the diamond holds sentimental value and brings a smile to the owner’s face.

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